7 & 8 The Arts

Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka wehiwehi, ka aweawe te ao katoa Artistic excellence makes the world sit up in wonder

The Arts connect us with Te Ihi: the positive energy that resides within every person which is ignited by what is seen, heard and felt and experienced when performing or presenting an artwork. Te wehi is the emotional response to ihi such as the awe a spectator experiences when watching a dramatic, music or dance performance or viewing an artwork that evokes an emotional (or spiritual - wairua) response. Aweawe is the distance or heights the artist reaches through the skills of their performance or practice.




Becoming fluent in visual language begins in Year 7 and 8 Art with lots of inspiration from ō mātou tangata (our people) and ō mātou whenua (our place).

A variety of contemporary and traditional artist models, observation, imagination and lots of practical science and maths are involved in ākonga learning different ways of sketching and developing ideas for printmaking, design, painting and sculpture.

Artists develop ideas and skills by exploring, collecting and revisiting visual ideas in their sketchbook / journal and this is a practice we encourage which leads to fluency.



Ākonga are encouraged to challenge themselves in both written and practical activities.

Ākonga learn how to read music and apply it through group and solo performances. They gain a broader understanding of a wide range of different instruments, genres and music within different cultures. They will develop a deeper understanding of musicianship skills specific to group performance in a percussion unit and gain basic keyboard skills.

Ākonga will gain an understanding of how sound works on a scientific level and begin to apply this understanding to develop their own sounds and pieces of music.