9 & 10 PE & Health


Physical Education

In physical education and health, the focus is on the well-being of ākonga themselves, of other people, and of society through learning in health-related and movement contexts. Ākonga learn that well-being is a combination of the physical, mental and emotional, social and spiritual aspects of people’s lives.

They learn to think critically and to make meaning of the world around them by exploring health-related and movement contexts. They learn how to bring about sustainable health-enhancing change for individuals, communities, and society. Ākonga will have 2 x practical lessons for physical education and 1 x classroom based lesson for health each week at both year 9 and year 10 level.


Outdoor Education

(Year 10 Option Subject)

Ākonga will participate in a range of activities in the classroom, on MHC grounds, in our Methven community and within the Mid Canterbury region.

Ākonga will be required to support others, be part of a team and challenge themselves to step outside their comfort zone at various times in the semester.