9 & 10 Social Sciences

Social Science

Social Science

Through the Social Sciences and Aotearoa New Zealand Histories curriculums, ākonga develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to better understand, participate in, and contribute to the local, national, and global communities in which they live and work; engage critically with societal issues; and evaluate the sustainability of alternative social, economic, political, and environmental practices.

Ākonga explore the unique bicultural nature of New Zealand society and the responsibilities that derive from the Treaty of Waitangi.

They learn about people, places, cultures, histories, and the economic world, within and beyond New Zealand.

Business Studies

Business Studies


How to make money? How to manage your money? How to earn more money? Business Studies offers you solutions to all of these questions.

Perhaps you’re saving up to buy a car or a new phone, or maybe you have a great idea that you’re sure you could produce and sell.

Business Studies will help you to hone your skills and make the most of these opportunities.

Four areas of focus for this course are personal financial literacy, economics, marketing and a Market Day event. Business Studies leads you right through to Year 13 and is a popular hands-on option for students with an interest in this area.