9 & 10 Technology

Hard Materials

Hard Materials

Ākonga in Years 9 and 10 make products out of wood with a focus on learning how to plan and manage projects.

They will also learn new techniques and skills that will improve the quality of their outcomes. This gives them good preparation for taking Hard Materials in Senior School.

Food & Textiles

Food & Textiles

Ākonga in Years 9 and 10 Food and Textiles Technology work through the design process to design, plan and construct outcomes in both contexts.

In Textiles Technology, ākonga continue to build confidence on the sewing machine, practice following basic patterns, and develop their hand-sewing skills.

In Year 10, ākonga manipulate their fabric through dyeing and painting techniques to use in the development of their chosen outcomes. Food Technology at these year levels focuses on designing and making baked products and meals to reflect their growing abilities and independence in the kitchen.

Self-management, decision-making and group leadership are essential skills developed across Technology learning.


Digital Communication

Computational thinking enables a student to express problems, and formulate solutions in a way that means a computer (an information processing agent) can be used to solve them.

Ākonga understand that digital applications and systems are created for humans by humans.

They develop increasingly sophisticated understandings and skills in designing and producing quality, fit-for-purpose, digital outcomes.

Design & Visual

Design & Visual Communication

With its focus on design thinking, technology education supports ākonga to be innovative, reflective and critical in designing new models, products, software, systems and tools to benefit people while taking account of their impact on cultural, ethical, environmental and economic conditions.

The aim is for ākonga to develop broad technological knowledge, practices and dispositions that will equip them to participate in society as informed citizens and provide a platform for technology-related careers.