Andrew Davidson

Andrew Davidson

Parent Representative

I joined the Board of Trustees (BOT) as a parent representative in March 2021, and my wider role is Co-Deputy Chairperson, as well as Head of the Finance Committee. 

Having grown up in Canterbury, I returned from overseas in 2002 with my partner Melanie, and we built our first home on the outskirts of Methven in 2007.  All three of our children Mabelle, Dante and Lamont have attended Mount Hutt College (MHC), with our two youngest still at the school.  We operate a local community business Flow Pool and Studio, are 1 of 4 shareholding families involved in an Organic farming enterprise in North Canterbury, and my work also involves a range of governance and consultancy roles across the Agriculture, Aquaculture and Nutrition sectors. 

Our values as a whanau encompass holistic learning, which we believe exists at MHC, as does a strong focus on student and staff hauora. We chose to keep our 3 children at MHC as opposed to a private school, as we believe MHC offers a great insight into the diversity of the real world, and encourages resilient, independent humans, who if they want to achieve great heights certainly can. We are proud to say our children attend MHC. 

My focus as a member of the BOT is providing governance support to the MHC Principal and staff, and contributing where possible to the quality of education for all learners at MHC.  It is inspiring to have an involvement with a BOT strongly invested in great outcomes for the college and its students, and I continue to be excited about the existing and future opportunities for students at MHC.