Students participate in House Events throughout the year. The school has FIVE whole school events that make up 40% of the allocation for the MDHS Interhouse Shield. These events include:
- Athletics Sports
- Haka Wero: Haka & Waiata Competition
- Swimming Sports
- Wednesday I/H Term 1 Competition
- Cross Country
Our House competition at MHC is incredibly competitive with each of the four houses winning the overall trophy once each over the last four years.
The remainder of the MDHS Interhouse Shield is divided out amongst the other key dimensions of school life: Mind- Body- Spirit. These events include but are not limited to:
- Arts Competitions
- Academic Quizzes
- Points for Attendance
- Points for PRIDE
- Points for credits earned by Year 11-13 students
- Additional points for earning school colours
- Points from committee events under the Wairua- Spirit dimension
- Points from committee events under the Hinengaro- Mind dimension
- Points from committee events under the Tinana- Body dimension
Choose your House
Senior House Captains

Emma Bungard

Jamea Simbajon

Tilly Johnson

Lamont Davidson
Junior House Captains

Aidan Bungard