Please find below an A-Z directory of general information relating to Mount hutt College. If you can’t find the information you are looking for please don’t hesitate to contact the school office on +64 3 302 8437 or email [email protected] .

Arriving and Departing School

  • If you walk to school or come by bus, please use the footpath on McDonald Street. Make sure to use the pedestrian crossings on McDonald Street and Main Street if you need to cross.
  • If you come by bike or car, use the Main Street entry or the McDonald Street entry beside Methven Primary School. Avoid walking or biking through the carpark at any time.
  • The designated picking up and dropping off points are Main Street/Front gate, McDonald Street (please follow parking signs), and the bike park carpark through Methven Primary School. Avoid parking in the MHC carpark at the beginning or end of the school day, as it is a hazardous and busy area during those times. Refer to the Parking guidelines for more information.
  • Cyclists must wear cycle helmets as required by law.
  • Cyclists riding their bikes to or from school should use the front gate entrance/exit. They must walk their bike across to the front field end of the driveway, being aware of any traffic in the car/bus park.
  • Cyclists may walk their bike down the footpath to or from school.
  • Cyclists are not allowed to cycle down McDonald Street at any time due to safety concerns, especially during drop-off and pick-up times. Remember that McDonald Street serves two schools.


  • Full-school assemblies are regularly held on Mondays during Manaaki time.
  • Each year level also has an assembly once a fortnight.
  • Staff and students attend these assemblies, but there are occasions throughout the year when whānau (family) are invited to attend.


  • If you are absent from school, it is preferred that you or your caregiver make a phone call to the absence line (option 1) before 9:00 am on the school day to indicate and explain the absence. Alternatively, you can provide a written explanation via email or note from a caregiver upon your return to school.
  • For planned absences of three days or more, a written permission letter to the Principal is required. This letter should request permission for the absence, not simply inform the school of the absence.
  • After absences, including extra-curricular activities such as sports and subject field trips, you are expected to catch up on missed work. This responsibility lies with the student.
  • If you need to leave school during the day, please report to the office for departure and provide a parent permission note to sign out. If you return on the same day, you must sign in upon your return. It is important for legal, health and safety, and duty of care reasons that the school knows the whereabouts of students at all times during the school day.

Bank Account

  • The school's bank account is with ASB: Mount Hutt College 123271-0208210-00.

Big Buddy Programme

  • New students entering Year 7 are paired up with a big buddy from the Year 12/13 students.
  • The main benefit of the programme is that younger students have senior buddies who can provide general student support, answer queries, offer advice, and serve as role models throughout the year in a peer leadership role.

Board of Trustees (BOT)

  • BOT meetings occur twice per term, and the dates are available on the school calendar.
  • Any correspondence for the Board of Trustees can be sent to the Secretary, BOT, PO Box 58, Methven, or you can contact them by phone at 302 8437 ext 2 or by email at [email protected].


  • Mount Hutt College has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying.
  • The school defines bullying as deliberate, repeated, and harmful behavior that can occur physically or in digital spaces.
  • The entire school community is responsible for preventing bullying. If you or someone you know is being bullied, support and processes can be found on the school's wellbeing/support page.


  • School buses are operated by an independent contractor.
  • Bus runs consist of Ministry-funded runs and parent-funded runs, depending on transport and enrolment zones.
  • Options for bus transportation will be communicated during the enrolment process.
  • Buses arrive by 8:40 am (first bell for Manaaki) and depart at 3:18 pm (Ashburton & Tinwald) and 3:20 pm (all others).
  • Significant delays are communicated on the Methven Area Bus Group Facebook page by the bus controller/admin team.
  • Contact Methven Travel Ltd for more information: [email protected], 03 302 8106. Updates are also provided on the Methven Area Bus Group Facebook Page.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

  • Students are required to have their own device for school. Whānau receive information on enrolment regarding suitable devices, and the Student Internet Use agreement for students to sign. All students must meet the obligations in the Student Internet Use agreement while they are at school. This includes having any software installed that is required to access our school network. 
  • We expect students to start the day with a fully charged device. We strongly encourage students to bring their chargers to school everyday to ensure they are able to complete the day’s schoolwork. Students are able to charge their devices in their lessons if their devices run out of charge. Charging is also available in the library when it is open, at lunch breaks. 
  • Long Term Loans - Students who, for reasons of genuine hardship, do not have access to their own device may be able to hire one from the school, at a cost for a bond, by completing a form from the office.
  • Day to Day Loans - There is a limited supply of devices available for day to day or short-term loan from the Library. These will be issued to the student in the library system (like a library book), and must be returned each day. These devices are not intended for students who have not charged or forgotten their device. 
  • These devices will only be issued with a note from the whānau which outlines the reason and timeframe a device will need to be borrowed for. This should be shown to the kaiāwhina. For longer than 3 days, the whānau note should be shown to the dean, who will issue a device pass. 
  • A note or pass does not guarantee a device is available but will assist with prioritising those with genuine need.  



  • Students can purchase food at Magpie's Cafe during both lunch breaks using cash or EFTPOS.
  • Large notes (50,50,100) should not be brought, as the cafe may not have sufficient change.
  • The cafe menu and pricing can be viewed in the cafe windows.
  • Some students may be selected to work as cafe assistants during lunch breaks.
  • Refer to the Food guidelines for more information.


  • Students are required to have their own device for school. Whānau receive information on enrolment regarding suitable devices, and the Student Internet Use agreement for students to sign. All students must meet the obligations in the Student Internet Use agreement while they are at school. This includes having any software installed that is required to access our school network. 
  • We expect students to start the day with a fully charged device. We strongly encourage students to bring their chargers to school everyday to ensure they are able to complete the day’s schoolwork. Students are able to charge their devices in their lessons if their devices run out of charge. Charging is also available in the library when it is open, at lunch breaks. 



  • For general inquiries/information, contact your child's Kaiāwhina (support person), or for subject-specific inquiries/information, contact the relevant subject teacher.
  • You can find information on the school's website (, the Mount Hutt College Facebook page, the fortnightly newsletter, and the weekly Snowfed Community Newspaper.

Concerns, Complaints, and Compliments Procedures

  • The procedures for concerns, complaints, and compliments can be found Here.

Contact Details

  • Mount Hutt College's office hours are from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
  • Postal address: P O Box 58, Methven 7745.
  • Email: [email protected].
  • Website:
  • Phone: 03 302 8437.
  • School Absences: 03 302 8437 ext 1.
  • Postponements: 03 302 8904.
  • Fax: 03 302 8328.

Contacting Staff

  • Staff can be contacted via their staff email addresses, which are available on the staff page of the school's website.
  • You can also contact them by phone through the office.
  • Please keep in mind that staff have teaching timetables and meeting schedules, so they may not be monitoring emails and phone messages all day. You can expect a response within 48 hours.

Daily Notices

  • Each morning, students receive the Daily Notices via email.
  • The notices contain information, opportunities, and reminders for students.
  • It is expected that students read these notices during Manaaki time, which is facilitated by Kaiāwhina.

Day Structure 2025

  1. MHC operates a fortnightly timetable, which operates on the following bell times each week. 

    The school day runs from 8.40am (warning bell) to 3.10pm. 

  2. Monday, Wednesday & Thursday run Manaaki Check-in then 5x 60min periods. 

  3. Tuesday & Thursday have no Manaaki Check-in and 5x 55min periods, with an additional lesson - Manaaki Stars - for the explicit teaching of our Growth Profile. 

  4. The daily schedule is as follows:

On Wednesdays in Term 3, the timetable is altered as follows, to allow a longer MHC Active time for Snowsports. There is no Manaaki Check-In & period 1 starts at 8.45am. Wednesdays in Term 3, the schedule changes as follows:

  • No Manaaki
  • 8:45 am - 9:30 am: Period 1
  • 9:30 am - 10:15 am: Period 2
  • 10:15 am - 10:40 am: 1st Lunch (25 minutes)
  • 10:45 am - 11:30 am: Period 3
  • 11:30 am - 12:15 pm: Period 4
  • 12:15 pm - 1:10 pm: 2nd Lunch* (55 minutes)
  • 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm: Sport (Snowsport buses depart at 12:30 pm and return at approximately 5:00 pm)

*Note: Snowsport buses depart at 12:30 pm, or when all students are present.


  1. Detentions are given for behavior that doesn't meet expectations outside of class.

  2. During detention, students work on a restorative task to consider and repair the harm done. Sometimes, students may also be assigned community service tasks during detention sessions.

  3. Lunchtime detentions take place from 1:40 pm to 2:00 pm in the detention room. Students are expected to have eaten their lunch prior to detention.

  4. If a student receives more than three detentions in a term, they may be assigned after-school detentions until the end of the term. Arrangements for after-school detentions can be made with the Dean.

Emergency Management

In the event of an emergency, our primary focus will be on the safety of those on-site in our care. We will communicate with whānau (family) as soon as practically possible. Please refrain from jamming up the phone lines as it diverts attention away from caring for those present and delays outgoing communication. Updates will be provided via email, the postponement line (contact details provided), and sometimes through text messages. Before contacting the school, please check these communication channels for updates as they allow us to reach a large number of people simultaneously. Directly affected individuals will be contacted as a priority.


Students wishing to enrol at our school have multiple options. They can visit the school office to pick up a hard-copy prospectus, download one from our website (link provided) here.


Permission slips containing details, costs, and due dates for trips are provided either in hard copy or via student/parent email. If a hard copy is required, please go to the office. It is essential to meet the requirements and submit permission slips by the due date, as bookings and other arrangements are dependent on final numbers. Upon enrollment, a 'blanket consent' form is signed, granting permission for low-risk events that occur during the school day, such as observing historic places or participating in Wednesday sport at the domain. Therefore, individual permission forms are not required for such events.

External Providers

Periodically, we engage external providers to offer a range of services to our students. This engagement can be initiated by whānau, the school, or the provider. Examples of external providers include the Community Dental Nurse, Public Health Nurses, ARA Institute of Technology, Mana Ake, and ACADs. We work with relevant parties as needed.


  • Payment in advance is required for all school trips and extracurricular activities. Please ensure permission slips with payment are submitted before the due date (payment envelopes available in student reception).
  • Payments can be made in person via the office (EFTPOS or cash) or online directly to our bank account (Mount Hutt College ASB account 123271-0208210-00). When making online payments, please provide clear reference details with the student's name and purpose of the payment (e.g., 'J Bloggs Y8 Camp').
  • Whānau are welcome to set up automatic payments if preferred. These payments will be credited against the oldest charges on the student's account.
  • Parents can access financial details by logging into the Kamar Portal using the parent/caregiver login here.

First Aid, Injury, or Illness at School

If students feel ill or require first aid, they should visit or inform the school office, which will provide assistance. We have a number of first aid trained staff who can assist. The office will make contact with whānau as required. Students should not independently contact their whānau to arrange collection if they are ill. If this happens, please contact the office at 03 302 8437.


We encourage students to bring healthy and fulfilling lunch items to enable effective learning and focus in lessons. Our break times are referred to as "First Lunch" and "Second Lunch" deliberately. Due to their placement in the day, it may be necessary for students to pack two lunches instead of a snack and a lunch. Students also have the option of purchasing food at Magpie's Cafe, which offers a variety of staple items daily, as well as different menu features. However, we discourage bringing junk food and lollies to school for lunch, as these foods do not support optimal learning. Chewing gum, soft drinks, and energy drinks are not permitted to be brought to school or consumed on-site.

Graduate Profile

Our Graduate Profile was developed after extensive consultation to equip our young people with skills they will need beyond school. Our Graduate Profile includes the following attributes: Skills for Life (21st Century literacy and numeracy - digital and financial), Achievement, Sustainable Thinkers (Adaptable, problem solver, critical thinker, creative), Active (Community contributor, involved, team player), Relational (Empathetic, honest, communicator, inclusive), and Self-Aware (Positive attitude, resilient, committed). For more information, please visit our learning culture page here.


Our school haka is called "Te Haka o te Kura Tuarua Ōpuke." It was composed and gifted to the school by Daniel Hapuku in 2014. For more information, please visit our culture page here.


Homework is assigned as required by each teacher, although faculties may have common approaches or routines. It is important for students to develop good habits regarding organization to meet deadlines and revise their learning. Year 7-10 students are provided with a school diary to record their homework. Year 11-13 students are encouraged to find a method of organizing themselves, which may include a physical or digital version of a diary.

House Competition

Our school has four houses - Blue, Gold, Green, and Red - that compete throughout the year for the House Trophy. Various events contribute points to the competition, ranging from whole-school events to individual contributions across all domains of school life. The House Trophy is presented to the winning house at prizegiving. For more information, please visit our house competition page here.

Kamar Portal

Students and whānau have access to various aspects of the Kamar Web Portal. Login details are the same for both students and whānau, although each party has separate passwords. It is possible to have two different whānau passwords if needed. The portal provides access to personal details, timetables, attendance, results, reports, groups, awards, and more. Whānau can also edit details and view financial information. Login details are emailed home at the beginning of the school year. If you need assistance, please contact the office. The Kamar Portal can be accessed through the provided link.

Learning Culture

Mount Hutt College staff are committed to setting all learners up for success. In addition to curriculum planning, significant effort is put into getting to know each learner, whether they are new to the school or advancing through the year levels. We dedicate considerable work to transitioning students from contributing schools and supporting their progress throughout their school years. For more information, please visit our Mount Hutt College Learning Culture page link.

Learning Support

We have a full-time Learning Support Coordinator who oversees the in-class support provided by teacher aides, group programs, and individual support. If you wish to discuss your child's learning support, please refer to the Staff Contact Details link to get in touch with the coordinator.

Leaving during the year

If you are permanently leaving Mount Hutt College Methven, please inform the Principal in writing at least five school days ahead of the student's final day. The Principal will provide a leaver's clearance form, and students are required to return any school resources, such as textbooks and library books, and clear their lockers. Additionally, all financial accounts must be settled.


Students can borrow up to three books at a time from the library for a period of two weeks. Students with overdue books will not be allowed to borrow further resources until the overdue books are returned. In the case of lost books, a replacement cost will be required. Please note that no school bags, food, or drink are allowed in the library. The library is open from 8:45 am to 3:10 pm on school days, including lunch breaks. Students also have the opportunity to borrow books and resources from the National Library and access the EPIC & INNZ databases. For more information, contact the librarian at [email protected]. Junior classes visit the library regularly with their English teacher when possible. Students can volunteer to be Library Assistants during lunchtime. For more details, please refer to the Library page link.


Combination locks for lockers can be purchased from the school office. Only locks bought from the school can be used to ensure assistance with any issues like combination resetting. We encourage all students to purchase locks for their lockers to keep their belongings safe. The cost of a lock is $20, which includes a $5 non-refundable fee. When the lock is returned in a usable condition, $15 will be refunded. Locks can be kept for the entire duration of a student's school career and do not need to be returned at the end of each year. Lockers also provide space to store bags and prevent hazards on the ground. Students are not permitted to return to their lockers between periods and should take their necessary equipment for periods 1 and 2, as well as periods 3 and 4.

Lost Property

We kindly request that all students clearly name their items of clothing and equipment. The lost property bin is located at student reception. Any named items will be returned to students via Kaiāwhina. Unnamed lost property will be disposed of throughout the term. If students find any named student items of clothing or equipment, they are asked to take them to the office or return them directly to the named students.

Lunch Passes

Parents who wish to have their child issued with a lunch pass are requested to have filled in and signed a lunch pass request sheet by the end of the first week of school each year. Students with a lunch pass must be supervised at their own home and are not permitted on any other premises.

Managing Expectations in Class

All students are expected to follow our 'High Student Expectations.' If student behavior is below expectation, our approach is as follows:

  • Teachers operate a stepped process to help students make positive choices. First steps may include a verbal reminder or request. A further step could be that the student is moved to sit by themselves.
  • A 'blue form' is given as a final step before removal from class. If students receive a blue form, they must immediately complete it with their best effort, reflecting on their choices before returning it to the teacher.
  • If a student is unable to improve their choices, a referral to the Opportunity room will occur. If poor behavior is serious enough, this may happen immediately. See also MHC Learning culture link.


You can find a map of our grounds here.


Students should not carry personal medications with them. The exceptions to this are asthma inhalers, epipens, and insulin equipment. It is the school policy that no medication is given out to students without prior approval from parents to office staff. Any other medications (regular or short-term) must be handed in to the office with clear instructions of dosage and timing. The office maintains a medicine register to record the dispensing of medications.

Movement around the school

Corridors are to be kept clear of bags, and students are not to hang out in them at break times. During class time, teachers must know where students are at all times, and students are expected to communicate with their teacher if they need to leave the classroom for any reason. Whānau please sign in at the office when arriving on site - please do not go directly to classrooms.


There is limited visitor parking beside the main office, which can be used during the school day. This area includes mobility parking. Please do not park in the mobility park unless you have a mobility parking permit. If picking up or dropping students off before or after school, please use McDonald Street or the Main Road. For large events, parking will be advised in the event information, with the location usually being the front field.

Physical Education

Students in Years 7-10 participate in regular physical education lessons. Students in Year 11 and above can select Physical Education as a subject. These are practical lessons, and students are required to wear their PE uniform so they can participate fully. The uniform consists of the MHC PE sports top, black shorts/tracksuit pants, and sports shoes with non-marking soles. Students need a separate PE bag to keep their gear in as they cannot take their ordinary school bags to class. See also uniform link.


Our PRIDE Team oversees the teaching of our school values to all within our kura – Passion, Respect, Integrity, Diversity, Excellence for All – following the Positive Behaviour for Learning framework. See also PRIDE (learning culture) link.


Reporting is now completed online and on-time, meaning that grades and comments are entered, viewable to whānau and students with their Kamar portal login, as they are completed. Notifications are sent via email to whānau weekly if a new result has been published. There is a formal opportunity to meet with subject teachers at the beginning of Term 2. At the conclusion of each year, the results are formatted into a PDF as a summary for easy viewing. This can be downloaded from the Kamar Portal link.

School Policies

These can be viewed on our website. See BOT link.

Snow/Weather Closures

Snow/weather closures are communicated as early as possible on our Postponement Line (03-302 8904) and via Facebook. Occasionally, due to weather conditions, we need to close or send the buses earlier than normal. Information will be communicated via email, Facebook, the Postponement Line, and occasionally text message.

Snowsports Term 3

In Term 3, students are able to select snowsports (ski or snowboard) as their sport option for Wednesday sport. In order to participate, students must have a season pass to Mt Hutt, which can be purchased via the local school season pass program at a discounted rate. Please note this is not purchased via MHC but the local Mt Hutt office, and their deadlines must be met. This is advertised in the local media as well as via email to all students/whānau. Once students have selected this option, they are able to opt into getting rentals and/or lessons each week on the permission slip. 

Sports Days

Whole school sports events are a big part of our house culture. Participation is encouraged, and students support competitors when not competing themselves. Students are encouraged to show their support for their house by wearing house color mufti accessories in addition to their PE uniform.


Our current Stationery lists are as follows:

Yr 7 

Yr 8

Yr 9

Yr 10

Yr 11

Yr 12

Yr 13

Please note that some items are reused each year, so they do not need to be repurchased annually - check the notes on the list.


Student Reception

Students can visit the Student Reception via the entry by the hall for assistance during the day as follows:

  • 8.30 am – 8.40 am: Before school, first and second lunch
  • 3.10 pm – 3.30 pm: After school

Students are not permitted to go to student reception between periods or during class time except for opportunity room referrals, ill health, to sign out for an appointment (note required), or for an emergency. Student reception is a quiet, NO eating zone.


In accordance with the law, we are an alcohol, drug, smoke, and vape-free school. Possession, supply, and use of these substances while at school or in school uniform is strictly forbidden.

Term Dates

Term Dates 2024:

  • Term 4: Monday 14 October – Friday 13 December See also - calendar link.

Term Dates 2025

  • Term 1: Tuesday 28 January - Friday 11 April (11 Weeks)
  • Term 2: Monday 28 April - Friday 27 June (9 Weeks)
  • Term 3: Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September (10 Weeks)
  • Term 4: Monday 6 October - Friday 5 December (9 Weeks)


We have a 2-week (10-day) timetable and refer to the weeks as 'Odd' and 'Even.' These match up with the week of the term. E.g., Week 3 runs the odd week timetable. See also Bell Times. Students in Y7-10 have lessons with their Manaaki class, with Year 10 students selecting individual options. Students in Year 11 and above select subjects as part of an overall course or pathway according to their personal goals.

Tracking Cards

From time to time, students may be placed on a tracking card to gather data on their progress towards personalized goals. Each period, their teacher will assess that progress and complete the card. Tracking cards are overseen by the student's Kaiāwhina, Dean, or Senior Leadership Team member.


  1. The school has a uniform policy in place. Terms 1 and 4 require students to wear the summer uniform, while terms 2 and 3 require the winter uniform. For specific details and examples of the uniform, please refer to the link. For a current price list, please refer to the link.

  2. Dispensations from the uniform policy must be requested in writing and submitted annually to the Principal. If a student has health reasons preventing them from wearing certain items, a medical certificate should be provided.

  3. Every morning at Manaaki, student uniforms will be checked. If a student is wearing an incorrect uniform item to school for a valid reason on a particular day, they should present a note from their parents to their Kaiāwhina (teacher or staff member). Failure to produce a note may result in contacting the student's caregivers.

  4. Repeated instances of wearing the incorrect school uniform may lead to a Tracking card. Students may be required to go home and change or correct their uniform before returning to school.

  5. Appointments at the uniform shop can be made on Thursdays from 1.30 - 4 pm. Alternatively, students can visit the shop during second lunch. For inquiries at other times, please contact the School Office or send the student with a note and payment.


Students are encouraged to leave personal valuable items at home. The school does not assume responsibility for any lost or stolen items brought to school. For information about lockers, please refer to the link.


Our school teaches and reinforces the expectations of PRIDE, which is based on a Positive Behaviour for Learning approach (PB4L). For more information about PRIDE, please visit the link.

Vehicle Passes

Students who hold restricted or full licenses and wish to bring a vehicle to school regularly must apply for a vehicle pass. Student parking is available on the Main Street. Students must adhere to the conditions of their license and comply with traffic laws at all times. Any driving complaints received by the school regarding students may be reported to the NZ Police.


All visitors must sign in at the office as a health and safety requirement.


Our school's waiata is called 'Ekea Tō Ōpuketanga.' It was composed and gifted to the school by Daniel Hapuku in 2014. For more information about our school's culture, please visit the link.

Wednesday Sport - MHC ACTIVE

Period 5 on Wednesdays is dedicated to MHC Active. During terms 1-4, students can choose from a range of activities, including snowsports in term 3.  Students are allowed to wear their sports gear home after the sports period on Wednesday.

If a student is unable to participate in the Wednesday sports period, they must provide a note from their parent explaining the reason, which should be shown to the sports teacher. The Sports teacher will determine if Sports Bin Supervision is appropriate.

Wet Lunchtimes

On wet days, three short bells will signal "wet lunch." During this time, students may proceed to their designated wet lunch room. Students should engage in appropriate indoor activities and respect the classroom space.