All new international students are met at Christchurch International Airport when their flight arrives. They are transferred to Methven area and introduced to their homestay family. International students live with caring families in warm comfortable homes.
All of our international students take part in an orientation programme to help them settle into life and study in New Zealand. This orientation includes family life, school and community information. Students have a school ‘buddy’ to look after them and help answer any questions, especially in those first few days of school.
Mrs Kirsty Saxon (Teacher of ESOL) will assist all international students with the planning of their programme of study and will review their progress regularly. Our Homestay Co-ordinaotor Mr Ole Wallis arranges their homestay placements and supports students as they adjust to life in New Zealand. Host parents will assist students with day-today issues and should be the first people students talk to outside of school about any questions, worries of concerns. International staff have their office in the International Student Centre and are available to students to have a discussion or ask a question during the school. We hold regular international student meetings to provide information and also to check if there are questions about school procedures, activities and events which are happening in school or our community, and our international student trips.
The College also has an excellent pastoral care system with Kaiawhina (Form Teachers), Deans, Guidance Counsellors, Careers Advisor and Youth Mentor available to assist all students.

The Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2021
Mount Hutt College Methven is approved and registered under the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2021 for the Pastoral care of International Students published by the Minster of Education. You can download a copy in English here. There are also copies available to download in various languages on the same website.