International Enrolment – We welcome students from around the world.
International students can study at Mount Hutt College starting at any level from Year 7 (eleven years old) to Year 13 (eighteen years old) for either of the following purposes:
Study for several years to graduate from high school and achieve qualifications by completing the National Certificate in Education Achievement (NCEA) and other New Zealand qualifications such as University Entrance. International students who complete these qualifications can then progress to tertiary studies at Universities throughout New Zealand and around the world.
International students can study for a length of time usually from one term to a full year for high school experience or exchange.
Every international student will have an individual programme which best suits their needs. Multi-level study may be appropriate for some students. If relevant, students will receive support for their learning in ESOL (English as a second language) classes. These classes and any other support needed will be carefully assessed and regularly reviewed with adjustments made as a student makes progress.
To enrol please click here.