Madeleine Webb

Student Trustee

Hello! My name is Maddie Webb. I have lived in Ashburton all of my life with my Mum and Dad who are from the UK. Starting in Year 7, I knew from the get go I wanted to be involved in the leadership team in some sort of way. I always looked up to the school leaders as role models, hopefully imagining myself in their shoes in the future. I am incredibly proud and grateful to be the Student Representative on the Board of Trustees for MHC 2023. 

I am currently overseeing a new element of the school that is still under development being the Junior Student Council. This allows me the great opportunity to get in contact with the junior levels of the school to give them a chance to raise elements of their learning, experiences and opportunities that the seniors might miss. 

Being the Student Representative on the Board of Trustees allows me the opportunity to have an insight on what happens behind the scenes at school, things that students wouldn’t think to mention or consider. I am given the chance to voice any student concerns or ideas to the BOT to enhance the school in an exciting and positive way. 

I admire and appreciate Mount Hutt Colleges attitude towards forming a vibrant school culture. Seeing everyone from years 7-13 celebrating the successes of students and getting stuck into the opportunities throughout the school makes me so proud. Ranging from sporting activities to academic and music events, there is something for everyone. I think there is great importance in having a spirited school culture as it allows students to create a positive learning environment that doesn’t just involve sitting in the classroom. It allows students to be themselves and create memories and find their passions. 

As a student leader, I want to support, encourage and enhance the school community whenever I can as I feel it is vital for the student body. I want to be a leader that students feel comfortable to approach with ease and that their opinions and ideas are valid and valued.