Canterbury Schools Regional Orchestra

Canterbury Schools Regional Orchestra

This year, hosted by Hagley College, four of our very own MHC students are participating in the Christchurch Schools Regional Orchestra. This exciting opportunity gives our students a chance to enhance their musical skills in a larger orchestral setting with challenging pieces and the guidance of a variety of locally well-known and respected conductors alongside a diverse team of fellow musicians.
This is the second year in which Seb Booth is participating in CSRO while it is a first for Quinn Bessai, Emma Armour and Lucas Plimmer. As a group, they have expressed feelings in awe of the orchestra’s dynamics and new, unfamiliar music. Seb is the only bass clarinetist, Emma is one of only two alto saxophone players, Lucas is one of many clarinetists and Quinn is one of four double bassists, which is all quite different to what the students are used to in their own MHC Concert Band.

Coming from a smaller school, our students are thrilled to be meeting more musicians and ‘getting out there’ in the world of music and cannot wait to share what they have learnt and worked so hard on. CSRO will be performing at three different venues as follows:

Friday 13th September: 5:30 pm at Te Puna Wai o Waipapa Hagley College

Friday 20th September: 10:20 am at Mount Hutt College, and 12:40 pm at Ashburton College