Leadership Lessons

Ryan Richan

For me respect is something I strive for in everything I am passionate about.  At the moment my passions are rugby and cricket.  In these sports respect is a huge thing, whether it's respect for teammates, coaches, referees, umpires or the opposition.  You will be surprised just how far giving a little respect can go towards your future endeavours within your respective sport.  Having respect for opposition players will only ever benefit you. 

To be able to respect others, you first must respect yourself. This is done by holding yourself to a standard you're comfortable being treated by.  Whether someone treats you with respect or not isn't a reflection of you but a reflection of their morals.  Everyone deserves respect. However, you should never assume respect as it must be earned. 

I would like to leave you with a quote.

"Respect is a two way street; if you want to get it, you must give it."

Ryan Richan - Sports Prefect