Principal's Piece


In our community in particular, this proverb resonates really strongly. There is absolutely no doubt that the achievement of our learners, and by extension our school, is the result of the wider community we live in. Over the holidays, the vast array of achievements we have celebrated have been a reflection of this.

Whether it was James Clark and Jack Foster placing 2nd at the FMG Junior Young Farmer National Championships, Maddie Webb’s involvement in the New Zealand Academy Choir that came second at the World Choir Championships, Lucy Reeve’s great results at the South Island Road cycling championships, and her departure to ride for the Down Under Academy Team in Italy this term, or our Rugby/ Netball Trip to Australia, none of this would have been possible without our wider community.

Whether it’s the amazing sports clubs that we boast in Methven, groups such as ‘Wayne's School of Rock’, the fantastic support that we receive from our Agriculture community or the hundreds of other volunteers or supporters who give up their time and/or money to support our youth- our students are very blessed to grow up in our community.

In a similar vein, we have also celebrated two Property developments in the holidays that wouldn’t have been possible without significant community support. We have had a new Music Studio and redeveloped Climbing wall installed over the holiday period (see pictures below). Both of these projects required significant community support. A big thank you to Mr. Luddy and Mr. Coutts and their wider teams for all the time they put into supporting these projects.

In the last week of term 2, we hosted another successful community hui at the Mount Hutt Memorial Hall focussing on the development of an innovation hub at Mount Hutt College. We continue to work closely with our local Agriculture and Trades sectors as we continue to shape a vision for the hub from 2025 onwards. An update of our work to date can be found in our brochure, see link below. If you are not currently involved and want to be part of this project please reach out to our coordinator for the project, Amy Honeywell- [email protected]

Ōpuke Innovation Hub Brochure

Finally, you may have noticed that preparation for the Mount Hutt College centennial, due to take place on Friday the 25th of April 2025, is ramping up. Tickets have recently gone on sale and can be accessed via With many alumni already booking their tickets and flying in from abroad, this is shaping up to be a can’t miss event, and a fantastic opportunity for us to celebrate 100 years as a college!


Mr. Jack Saxon
