Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
- 14 or over?
- Participating in extracurricular activities already?
- Interested in having an internationally recognised award?
- Looking for motivation to go outside your comfort zone?
- Learning the Road Code or learning to drive?
- Learning an instrument/language/skill?
- Doing a sport (netball, tennis, running, biking)?
- Helping out somewhere without pay?
- Hoping to do Spirit of Adventure, Outward Bound ?
- Learning dance, jazz, ballet, gymnastics..?
- A referee or coach?
- A school leader, prefect, committee member?
- Interested in having more badges?
You could be getting an internationally recognised award!
About the Award
The Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award is the NZ version of the International Duke of Edinburgh Award which is recognised in over 140 countries. In the past 60 years there have been over 8million participants.
It aims to engage 14-24 year olds with personal development in a range of areas. It is an entirely personalised programme, with goals set by the individuals for personal growth.
I know that MHC students are hugely active within the school, and community and that activity could be going towards this very award with little extra effort.
Award Details
- Levels
There are 3 levels to the award - Bronze, Silver & Gold. Each level takes different lengths of time to complete. Approximately, Bronze takes 6 months, Silver takes 12 months & Gold takes 18 months.
- Sections
In each level there are 4 sections: Physical Recreation, Skill, Service & Adventurous Journey.
- Skill - learning something new (e.g. musical instrument, driving, cooking, refereeing)
- Service - giving time without pay (cafe or library assistant, committees, volunteering)
- Physical Recreation - something that increases the heartbeat (walking, running, swimming, any sport!
- Adventurous Journey - Expedition or Exploration (tramping, mountain biking, kayaking, Outward Bound, Spirit of Adventure or similar)
- Residential Project - There is an extra section at Gold level: Residential Project - 4 nights away from home, with unfamiliar people (e.g. Outward Bound, Scout Camp, Sport Tournament).
- Cost
There is a cost - $95 for Bronze & Silver levels, Gold $125 - if this is a barrier please get in touch with me, there is funding available.
Signing up is easy! For more info & signing up see the links below:
More information: www.dofehillary.org.nz
Sign up: www.onlinerecordbook.org
Award Leader: Jessica McConnell [email protected]
Award Centre: Mount Hutt College
App: “ORB Participant” on Apple or Android