Year 9/10 Netball Roncalli Development Tournament

Yr 9/10 Netball

On Sunday 26th May, the Year 9/10 travelled to Timaru for their first tournament of the season. It was the first time the team had ever played together so the key focus areas were to trial new combinations and develop our communication skills on court. With games being played on the outside courts it was also a chance to adjust to playing with sun in your eyes and wind cutting across the court which was new to a lot of the players having the benefit of playing indoors for their regular netball. We started with a convincing win over St Kevin's and were able to score over 60 points. Credit must go to the St Kevin's team that never gave up and made us keep things tight.

Next up we took on Mountainview which was a more physical game which took us a while to adapt to. Eventually we were able to establish a convincing lead to also win that game. This meant we were undefeated and the winners of the combined grade for the tournament. Players of the tournament for MHC were Luca Brown and Emma Kinzett who both showed commitment and positive teamwork on court.

Our thanks go to Georgia Monk who came down to umpire for us, our awesome manager Amie and the large number of whānau members who came to support us. We have two more tournaments before the South Islands junior tournament and some fundraising to complete so look out for a carwash in early June and the team selling protein bars very soon.

Team: Grace Newport(Captain), Lacey Wallace, Jasmine Chalke, Lily Newport, Addie Griffths, Ella Arbuckle, Emma Kinzett, Luca Brown, Salote Fifita and Sienna Poyner (unavailable for this tournament)