Leader's Letters

During our first 4 weeks of Term 1, we have completed a variety of activities and accomplishments through different events from Year 13 camp, to Year 9 surf safe day, leadership days and First Aid courses.
We started our year off with both the Senior and Junior Swim Sports, and had a great amount of participation and involvement from a bulk of the students who showed up to these days. I had a great time at senior swim sports as every Year 13 student was doing their best to participate and win events, which makes it so much more enjoyable when people are actually getting involved and giving it their all.
Our next major event following both Swim Sports days was our Athletics prelims day. Everybody showed their House spirits and came very colourfully dressed ready for the day ahead. I walked around with the senior girls for the day and had an amazing day; we had music playing and a great all round spirit within our group throughout the day. We were cheering each other on and giving it our best in every event throughout the day.
Last Friday on the 28th we had our school photos. Everyone wore their uniforms with pride and respect, and the day went very smoothly. We can’t wait to see them!
Finally, all the committees have just got up and running, and we are hoping to see some great progress as the weeks come through. It would be awesome to have participation and collaboration from everyone within our committees.
Ngā mihi
Lexi Hooker (Prefect of the Environmental committee)